
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kelis on...Hoes & Housewives--

On a lazy Sunday I was flipping through the channels and stopped on Discovery. I was watching what I thought was a show about some cattle herder in Africa. He was talking to his family, friends and elders about being short something like seventy cows. I kept thinking, “wow this is intense. This guy needs more cows.” Then a baby-faced beauty came into frame and it was all clear. The young man was short on cows for his dowry to marry this woman. Her parents and elders wanted to make sure he would care and provide for her, so the young man was doing whatever it took. I guess he doesn’t listen to “Gold Digger” on the radio. I started to think about other cultures like India and the caste system. 

A man’s social status and finances are scrutinized when being considered for an arranged marriage. In European history, matrimoney combined wealth and land, made heirs, and started and stopped wars. For centuries, people around the world have married for power, wealth, and convenience. It was a transaction of resources, in many instances love came after.

An author named Leslie Bennetts wrote a book titled The Feminine Mistake about educated career women giving up their “lives” to raise families and keep households. I think the phenomenon is interesting. If we expect financial security from our husbands, is it then acceptable for wives to lose our selves in marriage and family? Can a woman actually have it all, or is that fighting against a predestined natural imperative? I hear women, real working women, who are smart and great say there are no good men left. In many instances decent, successful men have made their beds and now have to lie in them, (usually with some hoe). Successful women, who aren’t necessarily willing to be strictly a hoe or a housewife, are being lost in the shuffle, while (admittedly quite skilled) strippers are clapping their asses for ballers or posers who make it rain with a few singles.

Listen, power to the hoe. She can have them for all I care. They aren’t our concern. But pushing all skanks and groupies aside, can a real man tell the difference between a hoe and a good woman? Does he know what to look for? Does he even care to see a difference? And conversely, is it reasonable for a woman to only want a man who’s got his cows together? I mean, it is dictated by history that she has the right to expect that from her man. I’m as forward thinking a modern female as it gets. I’ve asked a bunch of questions, so here’s my take—leave the gold digging for the chickens and birds. Expect more than money ladies. A man and woman should be partners. In business, partners play different roles equally important to the success of that business. Life and marriage are no different. So for all the jaded negroes Kanye spoke for, I suggest you make a T-shirt ladies. Maybe the slogan could read something like: 

“Dig this: I Got Your Gold Right Here!”

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